What is STORM?
We are a collaborative of over 80 Puget Sound Area cities, counties, state agencies and nonprofits working together to understand and reach our shared audiences for clean water actions.
- We use social marketing strategies using marketing practices for social benefit.
- This shared approach creates a disciplined and science-based approach to public involvement and understanding of influences on an issue.
- Smart government through sharing time, resources and projects, we can be more effective, consistent, cost efficient and learn together.
STORM'S Vision - People living and working in our communities will take actions that protect water quality within the Puget Sound basin.
STORM'S Mission - To work together with regional partners to address polluted runoff by advancing broad-scale behavior change.
Under NPDES permit
S5.C.2 for Phase 2 jurisdictions and
S.5C.11 for Phase 1 agencies, partners may collaborate on general awareness or behavior change programs. To meet that annual requirement, STORM manages:
STORM operations are managed by the volunteer Steering Committee. STORM members are Phase 1 and 2 cities and
counties working together on outreach and engagement and sharing resources to fulfill their annual
Clean Water permits.